Your First Visit

When you come to our office for the first time for a new patient exam you’ll be asked to fill out a confidential medical and dental history form. This form will assist us in our treatment planning stage. Expect the new patient exam to take approximately one hour in order to collect all the pertinent information. At the end of that appointment you’ll be presented with a treatment plan that was specifically constructed to best suit your dental needs. Anything from the length of appointments to financing can be discussed at this time.
At the front desk, our patient care coordinator can then assist you in booking your appointments at a time that best suits your schedule. 


Insurance Information

In recent years due to the Privacy Act in Canada, some insurance companies do not directly disclose patient information to dental offices, but we are committed to making your insurance work for you. By calling your insurance company while you’re in the office we’ll be able to verify your benefits.  We’ll help you every step of the way when filing all necessary papers and electronically submitting your claims. When it comes to major dental work (e.g.  a crown) we’ll send a pre-determination to see how your insurance company can assist you, so you’ll know ahead of time what your benefits are.   


Dental fees

At West Dental we follow the Ontario Dental Association (O.D.A.) fee guide for the majority of our services.


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